Notice of Race
GFS Challenge Course
Good. Fun. Sailing.
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Notice of Race
Gale Force Sailing invites you to participate in the GFS Challenge Course—a fixed sailing course around Annapolis area government marks. It’s designed to get you sailing and having fun! This is a virtually ‘scored’ racing event so make sure you share your results and compare it with others.
1.0 — RULES
The COLREGS or International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea and applicable inland rules apply. You are racing yourself and the clock - not other boats. Be a good neighbor and share the water with others, including those who are fishing and enjoying other recreation on the Chesapeake Bay.
If you are using only sails you are eligible.
If you submit your time you are entered. There are no fees and there are no awards.
There is no requirement to have class to sail the GFS Course. As the number of completed races grows we will display the information in classes as is interesting and appropriate.
5.0 — SAFETY
5.1 It shall be the sole and inescapable responsibility of the owner and master of each boat to declare that she is seaworthy in hull, rig and gear that she is properly equipped and competently sailed.
6.0 — COURSE
Start: The starting line is a line formed between the Annapolis NOAA Lighted Data Buoy (AN) and Naval Anchorage Light A. Leave the weather buoy to starboard and the A mark to port.
Mark #1: Leave Hackett Point Green lateral buoy “1” to starboard.
Mark #2: Leave South River Junction Buoy “SR” to port.
Mark #3: Leave Annapolis Harbor Channel Lighted Buoy “2” to port.
Finish: The starting line is a line formed between the Annapolis NOAA Lighted Data Buoy (AN) and Naval Anchorage Light A. Leave the weather buoy to port and the A mark to starboard.
Sailing Instructions (SI’s) are available on the Gale Force Sailing website: galeforcesailing.com/sailing-instructions.
You can file a finish using the GFS Course form at galeforcesailing.com/results.
Average Wind Speed/Direction (weather data used for scoring)